Letter - 6,695 People Power United Members opposed the use of audio and video deepfakes in the election process
🗽A well informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny.
6,695 People Power United Members opposed the use of audio and video deepfakes in the election process
We did it! I am so proud to be in community with all of you! This morning we submitted our Misleading Voters is anti-American official letter with the Federal Election Commission opposing the use of audio and video deepfakes in the election process. I am proud to say we had 6,695 members sign on to these efforts. Here is the letter sent on behalf of our membership:
October 16, 2023
Federal Election Commission
Lisa J. Stevenson, Office of General Counsel
1050 First Street NE Washington, D.C. 20463
Re: Rulemaking on 11 C.F.R. §110.16
Dear Ms. Stevenson:
We the American public are deeply troubled by recent cases of misleading political advertisements using deepfakes and other AI technology. Misleading voters is anti-American. Even more troubling, however, is knowing that nothing is being done to mitigate these attempts to spread misinformation.
As a group that stands up for the right to vote each and every day, People Power United fully supports the current petition that requests the Federal Election Commission clarify the Misrepresentation Provision of 52 U.S.C. 30124(a)(1) applies to campaign ads that are created with Artificial Intelligence (also known as AI) with the express intention of misleading voters about other candidates or political parties.
AI-generated “deepfake” voice clips and videos can be used to impersonate a candidate or political party, misleading voters and dishonestly skewing their views of the person or group impersonated. As such, we are requesting restrictions on the use of audio and video deepfake technology created without the expressed written consent of the individual or entity being represented for a political purpose.
Clarifying the applications of the Misrepresentation Provision of 52 U.S.C. 30124 would not impede on freedom of speech. Campaign ads would still be able to use parody or make statements critical of other candidates or political parties by way of text or images. The use of audio and video deepfakes, specifically, should be disallowed, as they harm our ability as citizens to make informed factual decisions.
This is a matter of utmost importance to the American public, and we request your prompt attention on the matter to demonstrate to the nation the security and credibility of the American election process.
Laurie Woodward Garcia
People Power United
6,695 People Power United Members who signed onto this letter (I attached the names to the letter we sent)
Here is the confirmation our letter was received:
Thanks again for taking action!!
Tell Congress: Reject any legislation that would break the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
No closed-door commissions to cut Social Security and Medicare!
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Data disclosure: People Power United does not share information. You are always able to opt-out of any action alerts or event reminders we send. We champion progressive values and are a grassroots group committed to increasing voter registration and participation. We are paid with hugs and kisses, not bought by special interests.
Everyone deserves to vote and thrive,
Laurie Woodward Garcia (paid with hugs and kisses, not bought by special interests)
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I believe in the power of the people. I have seen the love and determination of folks stepping up to write letters and postcards to voters, signing petitions and letter campaigns, making calls, sending texts, hitting doors, and dropping literature. There is no power like that of the people, and People Power United stands ready to protect our communities against any and all injustices. - Laurie Woodward Garcia, People Power United
Power to the United People to inform the FEC of this fake campaigning! It's despicable! Excellent work, y'all!