Letter - People Power United joins coalition efforts to urge Congress to reject the Fiscal Year 2024 Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) appropriations bill
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People Power United joined other local, state, and national groups to urge Congress to reject the Fiscal Year 2024 Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) appropriations bill. Shout out to Public Citizen for leading these efforts. Here is the letter sent on behalf of our membership to the Senators:
Nov. 7, 2023
Dear Members of Congress,
We the undersigned, representing labor, scientific, consumer, research, good government, faith, civil rights, community, health, environmental, business, and public interest groups – urge you to reject the Fiscal Year 2024 Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) appropriations bill due for consideration in the House of Representatives this week.
The FSGG bill brings Congress no closer to reaching agreement to fund the government in a year already marred by perilous standoffs that have left the American people shaking their heads with disgust. In contrast with its counterpart legislation in the Senate – which passed committee unanimously (29-0) in July – the overtly partisan House FSGG bill is simply not a serious effort at governance.
The bill would impose a nearly 60% reduction in programmatic funding, with massive reductions to agencies that protect children from unsafe products, workers saving for retirement, and seniors from ruthless scammers. It would cut funding for the agency working to reduce robocalls that people loathe. And the bill would zero out funding for election security grants during a presidential election cycle.
The bill is loaded with harmful policy riders opposed by the American people, and House Republicans have recently proposed many amendments that would move the bill further in the wrong direction. Among the dozens of poison pill riders already written into the bill and the amendments yet to be considered are those that would:
Stop the Securities and Exchange Commission from finalizing rules on secret corporate political spending (Sec. 633);
Make it more expensive for taxpayers to file their taxes by preventing the IRS from developing free filing software (Sec. 112);
Further the anti-climate aims of the big oil and gas lobby by prohibiting regulators from requiring publicly traded companies to disclose their climate-related risks (Sec. 550); Prohibit agencies from purchasing electric vehicles, batteries, and infrastructure (Sec. 635); Restrict Americans’ access to reproductive health services by preventing federal employees from using their insurance to access abortion care (Sec. 613);
Attack reproductive freedom by prohibiting D.C. from using its own funds to cover abortion care and enforce anti-discrimination provisions (Sec. 810 & 819);
Prohibit the administration from taking steps to increase access to voting (Sec. 758); Perpetuate biased lending practices by prohibiting regulators from better tracking discrimination by lenders to small business owners (Sec. 503);
Divert funding from DC public schools to pay for unaccountable private school vouchers (Sec. 400);
Continue to endanger Americans by cutting funding for the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention (Proposed amendments by Reps. Greene, Rosendale, and Steube); and Expose people to the worst impacts of climate change by prohibiting funds from being used to implement any of President Biden's executive orders on climate change (Proposed amendment by Rep. Roy).
We disagree with these policies on their merits, but regardless, they should be considered under regular order, through the authorizing committees of jurisdiction – not jammed into an appropriations bill as part of an ostensible threat to shut down the government should they not be signed into law.
The public does not support the inclusion of damaging policy riders in must-pass appropriations bills, and any previously included measures doing so must be removed. Earlier this year, 100 public interest groups sent a letter to Congress calling for clean spending bills without any poison pill policy riders and for ample funding for vital programs and agencies to advance the public interest. It is disappointing to see House Republicans so blatantly ignore the will of so many.
The FY24 FSGG bill is an unredeemable, unserious piece of legislation and we urge all Members to vote against it. It is also another example of overreaching abuse of the appropriations process, as all of the funding bills proposed by the GOP House include poison pill riders and proposed amendments that are simply inappropriate. The House should dispense with the theater of partisanship for its own sake and take guidance from the Senate, which last week passed a three bill appropriations package with 85 votes.
Voters deserve a Congress that can sit down and come to a reasonable agreement for the greater good, and we hope that quickly moving past the FY 24 FSGG bill will bring Congress closer to that outcome.
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