Restore Your Vote
🗽There is no greater power than a community discovering the truth and working together
Restore Your Vote
There is a wonderful new tool out by the Campaign Legal Center that helps folks restore their vote. Many folks wonder if they can vote with a felony conviction. This new tool, allows you to look up by state, and determine your voting status and what you can do to restore your vote. The Restore Your Vote guide is also available in spanish. The website is secure and anonymous (personal information is not captured).
Click here to get started:
Image Credit: Amplifier
Restaure su voto
Hay una herramienta nueva y maravillosa del Centro Legal de Campañas que ayuda a las personas a restaurar su voto. Muchas personas se preguntan si pueden votar con una condena por un delito grave. Esta nueva herramienta le permite buscar por estado y determinar su estado de votación y lo que puede hacer para restaurar su voto. La guía Restore Your Vote también está disponible en español. El sitio web es seguro y anónimo (no se captura información personal).
Haga clic aquí para comenzar:
Image Credit: Amplifier
In this community, we will always speak out against racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, anti-semitism, homophobia, misogyny, sizeism, ageism, ableism, elitism, and bigotry! Can you help us spread the word?
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