The freedom to vote is a fundamental right.
Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.
Good Evening!
I wanted to apologize to tonight’s Zoom attendees for our tech difficulties. It was really weird to hear myself repeating everything when I wasn’t speaking! Apparently this is a known tech error by Zoom, we found several people online complaining of the audio feedback looping. Unfortunately we could not have our Advocate for Free and Fair Elections event tonight so I have recorded a shorter presentation and am sharing the information with you here.
The freedom to vote is a fundamental right.
We value our freedom to vote to elect leaders who respect our will, protect our interests, and govern in our name.
Sadly, that right is under attack. With increasing mistrust in the electoral process, politicians on the right have sought to capitalize on the public’s fears by lashing out at the people who make our elections happen, and by pushing to dismantle the electoral process itself. In light of the January 6th attacks and the involvement of certain politicians in the push to overturn the 2020 election, we can and must push for leaders on the local, state, and federal levels to stand strong and protect our freedoms and our right to vote.
We cannot wait until the next election cycle, we need to act now to protect our vote and our voice in our democracy. We can and must come together and champion laws that:
Protect our votes
Protect election officials, workers, and volunteers in the workplace
Ward off voter suppression efforts, and
Expand funding for local, state, and federal elections
Here are some actions we can take to protect our freedom to vote:
Click here to send a message to your state and federal lawmakers to strengthen our freedom to vote. Follow up with phone calls and office visits, they work for us! We need them to protect our votes.
Click here to tell your member of Congress to co-sponsor and support the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Follow up with phone calls and office visits, they work for us! We need them to protect our votes.
Click here to tell Secretaries of States: It would be fraudulent to allow an insurrectionist on the presidential ballot. We will have more on this next month at our Town hall, but please keep signing.
Sign-up for our Townhall: How Article 14.3 of the Constitution Disqualifies Trump from Running for President
Click here to sign on to a joint letter to the Federal Election Commission to disallow political ads that use audio and video deepfakes.
Register to vote and invite others to vote. Copy and paste this to share:
Register to vote from the ease and comfort of your home. Request your vote-by-mail ballot. Secure and data protected by Rock the Vote.
Volunteer to become a poll worker-contact your local office of elections
Volunteer to be an election protection worker (partisan or nonpartisan)
Volunteer for candidates that are committed to protecting your freedom to vote and will go on record with actions they will take to ensure that happens
Share election protection information. Copy and paste this to share:
Call or text 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) to speak with a trained Election Protection volunteer if you encounter any trouble at the polls.
Be ready to volunteer if a recount is needed in your area (we will share more on this as we get closer to elections)
A shorter version of our presentation can also be found here:
Our group is growing leaps and bounds! Folks understand that with love in our hearts and hard work, we will reclaim our nation from the cruelty, chaos, and confusion. And we are having fun making impactful changes in our community! In case you missed it, this past week was busy:
We joined 500 groups to endorse the NYC March to End Fossil Fuels
Laurie made a Twitter post, can you like and share?
We issued a letter to the Members of the House Ways and Means committee to clarify political activities
We issued a call to action on the dangers of deepfake audio and videos in elections
Our members took over 28,000 actions last week!
Click here to find these updates.
People Power United - In this community, we will always speak out against racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, anti-semitism, homophobia, misogyny, sizeism, ageism, ableism, elitism, and bigotry! Can you help us spread the word? Like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and Instagram
Want to take more actions or join an event? Check out our Call-To-Actions or Events pages:
Subscribe here to stay connected to People Power United (it’s free):
If you love the work we do and want to support, please consider pledging a future subscription. It’s only $5 a month and you won’t be charged unless we enable payments.
Data disclosure: People Power United does not share information. You are always able to opt-out of any action alerts or event reminders we send. We champion progressive values and are a grassroots group committed to increasing voter registration and participation. We are paid with hugs and kisses, not bought by special interests.
Everyone deserves to vote and thrive,
Laurie Woodward Garcia (paid with hugs and kisses, not bought by special interests)
People Power United | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
I believe in the power of the people. I have seen the love and determination of folks stepping up to write letters and postcards to voters, signing petitions and letter campaigns, making calls, sending texts, hitting doors, and dropping literature. There is no power like that of the people, and People Power United stands ready to protect our communities against any and all injustices. - Laurie Woodward Garcia, People Power United
I am really excited about the work our organization does. I am a slow starter, only because I won't have the money to buy the post cards and postage until next month (If we don't have a government shutdown!). I have been working here in the State of Michigan for a pretty long time on every thing from Reproductive Freedom, to enshrining voting rights into our State's Constitution. We did it all then flipped the Legislature, and took every Statewide offices to boot! Now that legislature is very busy passing gun safety laws, voting rights for everyone, getting rid of The Right to Work Laws, Climate Resiliency measures passed, increasing aid to public education from free lunches for all to increases in money allocated to Pre-K to increases in funding for our Public Universities and collages. Infrastructure, and money for Native Fisheries. I can't begin to sum up everything! And our Marvelous Gov. Whitmer has signed them all!
Yes, Voting Matters!
I support you!