Thoughts and Prayers are not enough
🗽There is no power greater than a community discovering the truth and taking action to ensure it never happens again
Firearms are now the number one cause of death in children in the United States. More than car accidents, more than cancer, more than substance abuse. Offering thoughts and prayers instead of ACTION is an insult to the families of the more than 6000 children killed by firearms last year and the 170 children killed by firearms so far in 2023.
Banning assault weapons saves lives. The 1994 federal assault weapons ban, which lasted until 2004, reduced the risk of a person in the U.S. dying from a mass shooting by 70%. Both the number of deaths and the number of annual incidents decreased significantly.
How many more children must die before Congress finally enacts common-sense gun laws?
Also a friendly reminder we have our Progressive Issues Activism event coming up, I hope you can join us!
Progressive Issues Activism
Wednesday, May 3, 8:00pm–9:00pm eastern, SIGN-UP HERE.
Thank you for fighting with us. Everyone deserves to vote and thrive!
Laurie Woodward Garcia (paid with hugs and kisses, not bought by special interests)
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