Why I love Costco and wish they would clean up their credit card
🗽“The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” —Lady Bird Johnson.
As someone who grew up in the Pacific Northwest, I had the honor of visiting the first Costco ever. I was so excited to visit this store that everyone was talking about. I remember how cool it was to see this warehouse set up to provide a new way to shop. I have been a member ever since. I am a Costco fangirl! I love the quality (so much so, I will drive out of my way to shop at Costco), the prices, and I love how Costco treats their employees (they take great care of their staff! People that come to work at Costco, stay at Costco).
I recently learned that Costco’s credit cards are issued by Citi, which is one of the biggest funders of fossil fuels. Citi pumps billions into building new oil, gas, and coal projects that are creating toxic air pollution and worsening deadly fires, floods, hurricanes, and extreme heat. Since 2016, Citi has provided more than $332 billion in financing polluting fossil fuel companies, threatening our homes, our jobs and our lives.
I am asking you to please join me in calling on Costco to do better and seek out another credit card provider. Can you take 1 (one) minute and send a message to Costco?
People Power United stands with our coalition partners as champions for progress in our communities. Here are some People Powered actions we can take.
People Power United Updates
Our group is growing leaps and bounds! Folks understand that with love in our hearts and hard work, we will reclaim our nation from the cruelty, chaos, and confusion. And we are having fun making impactful changes in our community! In case you missed it, this past week was busy:
People Power United created a call to action in response to the tragedy that happened in Maine.
People Power United issued a statement on the extremism of House Speaker Mike Johnson
People Power United joined other local, state, and national groups to urge Senators to protect voting rights and oppose Amdt. Budd #1243 on Minibus #1, which represents an attack on the updates on access to voting.
In response to the announcement of Texas US district court judge, Matthew Kasmaryck to order a trial for April 2024 against Planned Parenthood, People Power United issued a statement on behalf of our members.
People Power United joined other local, state, and national groups to urge Senator Menendez to resign.
People Power United submitted a letter to the Oversight committee of META on behalf of our membership.
Laurie issued a statement on Israel and Palestine. Here is our call to action supporting a cease fire.
Our members took over 15,000 actions.
Click here to find these updates.
Friendly reminder October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Please do your monthly exams!
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Townhall: How Article 14.3 of the Constitution Disqualifies Trump from Running for President, click here for more information and to register
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Data disclosure: People Power United does not share information. You are always able to opt-out of any action alerts or event reminders we send. We champion progressive values and are a grassroots group committed to increasing voter registration and participation. We are paid with hugs and kisses, not bought by special interests.
Everyone deserves to vote and thrive,
Laurie Woodward Garcia (paid with hugs and kisses, not bought by special interests)
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I believe in the power of the people. I have seen the love and determination of folks stepping up to write letters and postcards to voters, signing petitions and letter campaigns, making calls, sending texts, hitting doors, and dropping literature. There is no power like that of the people, and People Power United stands ready to protect our communities against any and all injustices. - Laurie Woodward Garcia, People Power United
No Costco member need us the citibank card. We canceled our about 20 yrs ago.