Letter - People Power United joins coalition efforts to protect immigrant families
🗽A well informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny.
People Power United joined over 400 local, state, and national groups to send a message to President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas to protect immigrant families by redesignating TPS for El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras & Nepal, & designate/redesignate TPS for other countries that qualify, including Guatemala & Venezuela.1 Shout out to CASA for leading this effort.
Alejandro Mayorkas
Secretary of Homeland Security
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
301 7th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 2052
Dear Mr. Secretary,
The organizations signed on below urge you to immediately use your discretion to redesignate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Nepal, which you have recently found to meet the necessary country condition requirements. We also urge you to make the findings necessary to designate or redesignate TPS for all other countries that qualify under the statute, including Guatemala and Venezuela.
On Wednesday, June 21st, 2023, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) extended – but did not redesignate – the TPS designations of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Nepal. The decision to extend these designations was necessary to resolve the status of just under 250,000 longstanding U.S. residents who have been living in limbo since the former administration attempted to terminate TPS for these countries. All of those benefiting already have TPS and will now be able to maintain the lawful status they have held – in the case of the Central American countries – for close to a quarter century.
The Federal Register notices published on that day by DHS included a formal finding that “The conditions supporting . . . designation for TPS still continue to be met” for all four of these countries. Based on this finding, DHS was required to extend TPS for them. But by statute the same finding also allows DHS, in its discretion, to redesignate TPS for those countries. Doing so would provide TPS protections to individuals who have come to the U.S. and established lives here in the many intervening years since the original designations. Such a decision to redesignate will remain open to you, as DHS Secretary, in your unreviewable discretion, until and unless those conditions are no longer in place. Failure to exercise that discretion would leave one to two million people from these same nations unprotected, even though they face the exact same dangers as current TPS holders if forcefully returned to their countries of origin.
The case for exercising this statutory authority delegated to you by Congress is overwhelming, considering that it would provide enormous benefits to our nation and also fulfill the spirit of the president’s campaign promise not to return TPS holders to unsafe countries. A decision to redesignate TPS for these countries would of course be life-changing for those who have made their lives here. In addition, a wealth of research demonstrates the benefits to all workers and the economy of granting legal status to persons who already live and work in the U.S. and specifically documents the huge economic contributions of persons who have or would be eligible for TPS. Redesignating TPS for these countries would grant work authorization to a meaningful proportion of all currently undocumented workers, helping to alleviate tight labor markets and reducing the need for local safety net programs. It would also increase remittances back to these countries, putting resources directly into the hands of the people who need it most, helping to bring stability to those countries, and thereby reducing migration. We cannot think of a single countervailing argument of anywhere close to equal force.
To your credit, DHS under your leadership has often recognized this balance of considerations and has used its discretion to designate or redesignate TPS for several countries that qualify because the return of their nationals residing in the U.S. would be unsafe. In July of 2022, however, you extended but declined to redesignate TPS for Venezuela despite determining that the conditions justifying a TPS designation were met at that time. Decisions on other countries that would appear to qualify have yet to be rendered. Guatemala, for example, is experiencing conditions that are very similar to those of its Central American neighbors, and the Guatemalan nationals who would benefit from a TPS designation include many who have lived and contributed to our nation as essential workers and otherwise for more than three decades.
Every day of delay of TPS designations for these countries is a humanitarian and economic loss for all of us. We therefore once again ask you, in the strongest terms, to:
Immediately redesignate TPS for El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Nepal based on the country condition findings that the Department made on June 21st; and
Make the country conditions findings necessary to designate or redesignate TPS for Guatemala, Venezuela, and all other countries that qualify.
Thank you for considering this request.
cc: Secretary Antony Blinken, Department of State
1Hood Power
350 Bay Area Action
350 Sacramento
Access Living / Cambiando Vidas
ACM Legal Services
Action Together NEPA
Adhikaar for Human Rights & Social Justice
Advance Maryland
Advocates for Immigrant Rights
African Asylum Initiative of Courageous Resistsnce
African Career Education & Resource, Inc.
African Communities Together
African Immigration Initiative
Al Otro Lado
Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice (ACIJ)
ALAC Alabama Latino AIDS Coalition
Aldea - The People's Justice Center
Alianza Americas
America’s Voice
American Business Immigration Coalition - Action
American Civil Liberties Union
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) American Federation of Teachers
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
American Immigration Lawyers Association
American Jewish Committee (AJC)
Arab American Association of New York
Arkansas United
Armadillos Ni un Migrante Menos
Asian American Advocacy Fund
Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC
Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence
Asociacion de Gautemaltecos Sin Fronteras
Asociación Guatemaltecos Sin Fronteras
Association for Nursing Professional Development- Houston (ANPDH) Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP)
Audubon Mid-Atlantic
Baltimore/DC-Metro Building Trades
Bend the Arc Jewish Action: South Jersey
Bermang Bustos
Black Alliance for Just Immigration
Boston Immigrant Justice Accompaniment Network (BIJAN)
Boston University International Human Rights Clinic
Brazilian Women's Group
Buen Vecino
Building Skills Partnership
Cabrini Immigrant Services or NYC
California Immigrant Policy Center (CIPC)
Capital Area Immigrants' Rights (CAIR) Coalition
Care for Your Health, Inc
Care in Action
Caribbean Community Service Center (CCSC)
Carpenters Local 197
Casa de Venezuela Atlanta
Casa de Venezuela Jacksonville
Casa de Venezuela New England
Casa de Venezuela North Carolina
Casa de Venezuela Orlando
CASA in Action
Casa Mary Johanna
Casa San Jose
Casa Yurumein
CASH Campaign of Maryland
Catholic Charities of SW Kansas
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC)
Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Congregation Immigrant Justice Ministry Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Environmental Justice Ministry Center for Gender & Refugee Studies
Center for Immigrant Progress
Center for Law and Social Policy
Center for Popular Democracy
Center for Progressive Reform
Central American Black Organization
Central American Resource Center - CARECEN
Central American Resource Center - CARECEN SF
Central American Resource Center of Los Angeles
Centro Comunitario CEUS
Centro de Apoyo Familiar
Centro Presente
Centro Romero
Centro San Bonifacio
Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN)
Chesapeake Climate Action Network Action Fund
Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility
Chicago Religious Leadership Network (CRLN)
Ciudadanía Oregón
Climate Refugees
CO Communications LLC
Coalicion de Lideres Latinos (CLILA)
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)
Colectivo de Desarrollo Transnacional de Michoacán
Colectivo de Mujeres Transnacional de Michoacan
Colorado Jobs with Justice
Committee of Interns & Residents/SEIU
Communities Organizing Latinx Power and Action- COPAL Minnesota Communities United for Status & Protection (CUSP)
Community Change Action
Comunidades Indigenas en Liderazgo (CIELO)
Comunidades Sin Fronteras CSF-CT INC
Congregation Action Network (CAN)
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, U.S. Provinces Connecticut Shoreline Indivisible
Connecticut Worker Center
Corazon Latino
CRECEN Houston
Crossroads Community Food Network
Daily Kos
De Leon & Nestor, LLC
Diáspora Hondureña Internacional, Inc.
Diocesan Migrant and Refugee Services Inc
Diocese of Atlanta
Dominican Development Center
Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose
Dorothy Day Catholic Worker, Washington DC Dreamers Mothers In Action (DMIA)
DRUM - Desis Rising Up & Moving
Durango Unido
El Centro de Igaulada y Derechos
El Vínculo Hispano
Elders Climate Action Maryland
Emerald Isle Immigration Center
Environmental Justice Ministry Team, Cedar Lane UU Church eQuality HomeCare Coop
Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project
Etc Group, LLC
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Faith in New Jersey
Faiths for Safe Water
Familias Unidas en Acción
Family Action Network Movement
Farmworker Association of Florida
Fe y Justicia Worker Center
FIRM - FIlipinx for Immigrant Rights and Racial Justice MN First Friends of New Jersey & New York
Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project
Florida Immigrant Coalition
Franciscan Action Network
Franciscan Network for Migrants--USA
Free Migration Project
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Fuerza Democrática Nicaragüense FDN
Fundación Blanca Nieve Sierra
GALEO Impact Fund
Global Labor Justice-International Labor Rights Forum Grassroots Leadership
Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, Inc. GreenLatinos
Grupo de reflexión de excarcelados políticos GREX Gulf Coast LCLAA
Haitian Bridge Alliance
Hamkae Center
Heartland Workers Center
Hispanic Federation
Hondurans Against AIDS
Hondureños contra el sida
Hope Border Institute
Houston America For All
Human Rights Campaign
Human Rights First
IBEW Local 26
Ignite Peace
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Illinois Environmental Council
Illinois Venezuelan Alliance (IVA)
Illinois Workers Action
Immaculate Heart Community Commission on Justice for Immigrants, Refugees, Indigenous People
Immigrant Children Advocates' Relief Effort (ICARE)
Immigrant Defenders Law Center
Immigrant Justice Ministry, Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project
Immigrant Legal Center
Immigrant Legal Center of Boulder County
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Immigration Hub
Immigration Law & Justice New York
Immigration Services and Legal Advocacy (ISLA)
Indivisible Georgia Coalition
Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti (IJDH)
Interfaith Power & Light
International Institute of New England
International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP)
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades
InterReligious Task Force on Central America
Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Justice NW
Jewish Community Action
Jewish Vocational Service - Boston
Jewish Voice for Peace, Atlanta chapter
Jobs With Justice
Justice Action Center
Justice in Motion
Kentucky Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
La Estrella de Nicaragua
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA)
Langley Park Civic Association
Latin America Working Group
Latinas en Poder
Latino Commission on AIDS
Latino Community Fund INC (LCF Georgia)
Latino Policy Forum
League of Conservation Voters
Liberales de Nicaragua en Exilio
Lila LGBTQ, Inc.
Living Hope Wheelchair Association
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area (LSSNCA) Make the Road New York
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Maryland Latinos Unidos
Maryland League of Conservation Voters
Maryland Legislative Coalition
Maryland Legislative Coalition Climate Justice Wing
Mass TPS Committee
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
Media Alliance
Mi Familia Vota
Miami Workers Center
Migrant Equity Southeast
Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation, AFL-CIO
Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs (MCLA)
Minnesota Freedom Fund
Mission Guatemala USA
Mitchell Hamline School of Law - Health Law Clinic
Mojica Tax & Accounting
MomsRising - MamásConPoder
Movement of Immigrant Leaders in Pennsylvania (MILPA)
Mujeres Unidas y Activas
Mundo Maya Foundation
NAKASEC - National Korean American Service & Education Consortium's NAPAFASA - National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd National Domestic Workers Alliance
National Employment Law Project
National Immigrant Justice Center
National Immigration Law Center
National Immigration Project (NIPNLG)
National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund
National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC) National Partnership for New Americans
National TPS Alliance
Naugatuck Valley Project
Nepalese association of Georgia
Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
Never Again Action
New Jersey Consortium for Immigrant Children
New York Immigration Coalition
NextGen America
Nicaragua Libre
Nicaragua Nueva Generacion
Nicaragua TPS
Nicaraguan American Human Rights Alliance
Nicaraguan American Legal Defense and Education Fund, NALDEF Nicaraguenses en el Mundo Texas, Inc
Nigerian Center
Northeastern University School of Law Immigrant Justice Clinic Northern Virginia Labor Federation
Nurse Alliance of SEIU California
One Pennsylvania
Our Revolution Maryland
Passionist Solidarity Network
Pax Christi Florida
Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW!
Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition People Power United
People Progress Network
People's Action
Pilipino Worker Center of Southern California
Pilipino Workers Center 1
Pilipino Workers Center 2
Poder Latinx
Pomona Economic Opportunity Center
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Presidents' Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration Public Justice Center
RCMA - Redlands Christian Migrant Association
Red de Pueblos Transnacionales
Red Mexicana de Lideres y Organizaciones de Migrantes Refugee Congress
Refugees International
Repatriate Our Patriots
Represent GA Action Network
Rian Immigrant Center
Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network
Rural Women Health Project
Salvadoran Association of Los Angeles (ASOSAL)
Seeds of Resistance
SEIU 1199 United Healthcare Workers East
SEIU Healthcare 1199NW
SEIU Healthcare Minnesota & Iowa
SEIU Local 1
SEIU Local 105
SEIU Local 2015
SEIU Local 26
SEIU Local 521
SEIU Local 721
SEIU Local 99
SEIU Minnesota State Council
SEIU Texas
SEIU United Healthcare Workers West
SEIU United Service Workers West
SEIU Washington State Council
SEIU Wisconsin
SEIU Workers United Southern Region
SEIU6 Property Service NW
Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Services, Immigrant Rights, & Education Network
Shine Bright Vision Service Corp
Showing Up for Racial Justice Baltimore
Sierra Club
Sister Parish
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team
Sisters of Saint Joseph Brentwood, NY
Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, New York
Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
Somali Family Service of San Diego
Southeast Immigrant Rights Network (SEIRN)
Strangers No Longer (Michigan)
Student Clinic for Immigrant Justice
Sunflower Alliance
Sunrise New Orleans
Telpochacalli Community Education Project
Temporary Protected Status Deferred Enforced Departure Administrative Advocacy Coalition (TPS-DED AAC)
Terra Advocati
The Committee of Interns and Residents - SEIU
The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis
The Episcopal Church
The Movement
The People’s Justice Council
Transformations CDC
U-Lead Athens
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)
U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph
UFCW Local 663
UndocuBlack Network
Union for Reform Judaism
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)
Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community
Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice
Unite Here International Union
Unite Here Local 25
United Church of Christ, Justice and Local Church Ministries United Farm Workers
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) United for a Fair Economy
United Stateless
United Vision for Idaho
United We Dream
UnsdocuBlack Network
Venezolanos Unidos en Indiana (VUI-AVI)
Venezuelan American Caucus
Venezuelan Association of Massachusetts
Venezuelans and Immigrants Aid (VIA)
Virginia Coalition for Immigrant Rights
Voces de la Frontera
Voces Unidas (RGV)
Voice for Refuge Action Fund
Voto Latino
Walter Adan Fornos Lizano
Warehouse Workers for Justice
Washington State Labor Council, AFl-CIO
Wayne Action for Racial Equality
We Are All America
Welcoming America
West LA Democratic Club
Wheaton Franciscan Sisters Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Office Wilfredo Maradiaga
WIN! The Welcome Immigrant Network
Wind of the Spirit Immigrant Resource Center
Witness at the Border
Women Watch Afrika, Inc.
Women Working Together U.S.A.
Women’s Alliance Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER) Women's Refugee Commission
Workers Confluence Fund of Minnesota
Workers Defense Action Fund
Working Families United
Zero Hour