Ron DeSantis is an authoritarian and must be stopped from gaining more power
🗽 People Power United champions progressive values and power to the people.
There are bad leaders, and then there is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is as bad as it gets. Let’s take a quick look at some of the most common signs of a bad leader:
DeSantis is being sued by several organizations, citizens, news outlets, and others because of his authoritarian assertion that he has executive privilege to withhold records-records that are protected by Florida’s public records law.12
DeSantis does no town halls or public forums in Florida, he avoids all media and pretty much sticks to Fox for sharing information.
DeSantis avoids open public forums and actually seeks to remove anyone that he perceives might ask difficult questions. Here is a video of an activist being detained and prevented from entering an event the Governor was at.
Florida, like every state has problems that leaders like Governor Ron DeSantis should be addressing: rising housing, healthcare, education, and insurance costs. The attacks on civil rights are so severe the NAACP and other groups issues a travel advisory to avoid Florida because “the State of Florida has engaged in an all-out attack on Black Americans, accurate Black history, voting rights, members of the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, women’s reproductive rights, and free speech, while simultaneously embracing a culture of fear, bullying, and intimidation by public officials.”3 DeSantis has no vision as a leader and prefers to spend his days complaining on Fox about immigration and Biden.
Great leaders respect others, build relationships, and keep open minds. Ron DeSantis is an authoritarian and must be stopped from gaining more power. As foot soldiers for justice we can and must get the word out about the dangers of Ron DeSantis becoming president. I understand some folks are more worried about Trump becoming president again, that too is a danger, and a discussion for another day (check out our Indictment Watch). Americans deserve a leader that will not embolden hate and division (like Ron DeSantis), but rather stand up on a daily basis against racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, anti-semitism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, sizeism, ageism, ableism, and bigotry.
Here are some people powered actions we can take:
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Click here to fire Ron DeSantis with a pink slip. OPEN TO ALL RESIDENTS IN ALL STATES.
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Watch this space: Gary Fineout on Politico Florida Playbook “Desantis suggested he held more press conferences than any other governor. (It doesn’t really count when you organize events across the state through local Republican groups and then give media outlets less than two hours’ notice to get there and, in many instances, only allow loyalists to ask questions.)”
Watch this space: Gary Fineout on Politico Florida Playbook: “NBC News pointed out much of the money came from donors who gave the maximum. Small dollar donors only constituted 15 percent of the total. “
Eighty five percent of donations to the DeSantis campaign came from special interest - wealthy donors.
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Thanks for taking action! Everyone deserves to vote and thrive,
Laurie Woodward Garcia (paid with hugs and kisses, not bought by special interests)
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I believe in the power of the people. I have seen the love and determination of folks stepping up to write letters and postcards to voters, signing petitions and letter campaigns, making calls, sending texts, hitting doors, and dropping literature. There is no power like that of the people, and People Power United stands ready to protect our communities against any and all injustices. - Laurie Woodward Garcia, People Power United
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7-15-2023, ron dud/santis is a selfish, self-centered, ignorant, deviant loser!!! HE HAS OVER-TRIED HIS HAND FOR THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS HOPING TO OUT-SHINE "THE DONALDTRAMP"; BUT WITH LITTLE OR NO SUCCESS!!! GET OFF OF THE STAND RON, NOW!!!
This man is more diabolical than most south american drug cartel at least with most of them, you know who you are dealing with, whereas desantos started his jag lawyer stunt claiming to be a resource for the incarcerationed, but ended up betraying them and being complicit ,gleefully enjoying the torture they were subjected to