Thank you and best wishes and prayers 🙏 for your health. I value you and your leadership. 🌻

No fear. Resistance, leadership and action to find the ways, small, quiet and perhaps big, to be the change(s) we wish to see. We cannot be erased!

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And THANK YOU for doing the video, when you were about to depart for a medical procedure, didn't think you looked good and didn't think you were doing the video "well"--WHAT MATTERS is that we got to see the REAL YOU! That's HUGE! To see the person, hear the voice--the humility as well as the encouragement! HOORAY! Prayers for your healing. NO FEAR! LOVE IS THE WAY!

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Thank you for all you do--and all you have done in the past! Thanks for all the options for us to sign on to. Thanks for your Courage and Encouragement! In 1968 I was involved in Iowa Democratic politics as a Precinct Committee Woman, knocking on doors, listening to backroom strategies, etc. It was fascinating and energizing. In 2024 I'm praying for safety for all of us and especially for all of you working "out there"! BLESSINGS!

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The only conversation we need to be having right now is that we are in a NATIONAL EMERGENCY and must STOP Trump and Putin from a complete takeover of the United States of America turning us into The Russian Federation of America. STOP Trump by putting Amendment 14 Section 3 into effect. STOP the conversation about how to manage under a fascist dictatorship hell bent on violent retribution. Rise up.

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Great read, there's alot going on to keep up with but you seem to manage it. Keep up the good work !!!

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Thank you!

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