Sadly, Obama could not contend with the republicans, and tried to avoid tough negotiations by opening with his best offer time and again. I used to love him and couldn't stand Biden's history. But that has all changed now: Love Biden and disappointed by Obama, who seems to continue sitting on laurels that aren't really there.

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I spend the first hour of my day signing petitions and writing letters to government officials about this, l don’t have money to donate but voices MATTER, boycotting corporations MATTERS and supporting all low usage

Efforts as well!!!

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Breaking News:

President Biden will designate nearly a million acres of land near the Grand Canyon as a new national monument on Tuesday to protect the area from uranium mining, administration officials confirmed on Monday.

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So let's DO something more about stopping the expansion of fossil fuel drilling and burning and the creation of plastics, especially single use plastic.

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I am delighted to see an action specifically designed to do something NOW about climate change.

It is so glaringly obvious that we have advanced global warming beyond all previous estimates regarding time.

So many articles cropping up about how surprised many scientists are about the speed with which this exacerbation is occurring.

No more prevaricating. , rationalizing and avoiding the inevitable which has come closer and closer and is threatening life on earth.

ALL life on earth . Not just Polar Bears and glaciers .

All of us will share in treacherous weather conditions of one sort or another.

We are to be stewards of our gift, the Earth but have instead participated in its ruin, largely because of greed.

Gas and Oil corporations understand what they are promoting.

But their greed will not allow them to stop.

I think sometimes the wealthy and powerful have a belief system that tells them they are somehow protected.

You cannot buy your way out from this destruction.

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